Walk Yourself Well

1-2-1 specialist approach

With individual focus the Nordic Walking approach is used to give you an experiential guide to right functioning in this fundamental human movement. The poles guide you to adopt correct stride and push off, rotation and arm swing and bring your awareness to the balance and motion of this intelligent human system. If we walk well, body parts and functions integrate in their mutually supportive blue print design, aiding such things as breathing, digestion, posture, mental health. You will learn what your body may have forgotten in this primal movement. Yogic elements may also be used to help bring the body to its balanced walking stance.

Nordic Walking Sport Fitness

Dont be fooled that Nordic Walking is only for seniors who need a walking stick!  Trail runners are known for their accompanying Nordic Poles and with 80% of your muscles used in Nordic Walking, there is much form and fitness to be gained.

Experimenting with the Nordic Walking technique is recommended as a foundational practice to any sport. The pace and range of movement allows the fundamentals of right posture and function to be self assessed and corrected, leading to improved performance in your personal sports and fitness pathways.

1-2-1 private session 75 mins £40. Poles provided



Nordic Walking Session

group sessions in nature

It’s fun, functional and enormously boosting to physical and mental health. It’s available to anyone - young in years or silver surfing senior. Learn the technique of Nordic Walking (British Nordic Walking / INWA) with easy to follow instructions, then take it to your own level or join a regular (usually monthly or bi monthly) ‘Technique’ or ‘Cruise Along’ walk. Poles & flapjack are provided!

Important points to note:

  • You need to have taken at least 1 beginner workshop to be able to book onto a group walk.

  • Nordic Walking is appropriate to almost any level of fitness, you just need to be able to walk unaided and swing your arms freely.

  • Dress for the weather preferably with flexible / loose appropriate trousers (eg not jeans) & foot wear for ‘off road’ terrain (eg trainers). We don’t walk in a storm but otherwise we are out there!!

Nordic walking can help with 

Stress, anxiety, depression
Confidence, focus, discipline
Physical issues e.g. back pain, weak core or pelvic floor
Specific illness e.g. Parkinson Disease, ME, MS (please book 1-2-1 for this or look our for specialist classes specific to your needs)
'Mystery' illness, feeling out of balance
Weight and wellness
Connecting with nature and its proven wellness effects

This is not an exhaustive list so please contact if you would like to find out more for your specific needs.


current timetable - contact to book

75 mins £15
Hayling Island or Petersfield Heath.
Please see ‘Sessions’ page for latest schedule.

Beginner Workshop
Learn the elements and gain momentum

Nordic Walk & Yoga - Cruise
A gentle cruising pace with breathing techniques and yoga stops along the way. Flat terrain. Suitable if it’s new to you.

Nordic Walk & Functional movement Yoga - Sport
Yoga elements for balanced integrated movement. Challenge yourself with increased pace, flow propulsion, maintaining breath.